Friday 4 April 2008

Kerry Manley

I met Kevin's mother Kerry some months after meeting her son and quickly learnt what a special lady she was. She wrote her Personal Story and was discussing it with Lucie and Sarah, but was unsure whether she wanted to be filmed. 
One evening Sarah called and asked whether she could cancel a trip away as Kerry had changed her mind about filming - but she was very nervous. I told Sarah she had to drop whatever else she had planned and meet with Kerry. They spent the morning with Jon filming one long interview and wow! Kerry was a natural. Some of the things she talked about still bring tears to my eyes.
Kerry is one special lady and has remained a good friend. She has been through so much with Kevin's addiction and her resulting problems. It has been so good to see the impact of Kevin's recovery on his mother. But all her problems did not go away as soon as Kevin stopped taking drugs. It has taken a good deal  of time for Kerry to get to where she is today.
This is Kerry's Story.  

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